We like to define our group of Trainers as a real orchestra, whose elements we present to you:


    Our conductor.

    A ten-year experience that sinks its skills into all sectors of coffee training. Initially Davide studied the Barista and Brewing modules, and then moved on in the last 5 years to exercise strong training in the field of green coffee, sensory analysis and roasting.

    Italian Roasting Champion since 2020. He has been SCA Education Coordinator for 4 years and since 2022 he has been the National Coordinator of SCA Italy.

    Since 2015 International Judge for the World Barista Champion circuit and consultant for many important companies on the world scene.


    Drum roll, our drums. The soul of Coffee Training Academy (as well as Head Trainer and Head of the School). Simone supports Davide from the beginning of this adventure (which means that he has been putting up with it for quite a few years). Simone is Trainer for the Introduction to Coffee, Barista and Brewing modules but not only, he is also an International Judge of LAGS (Latte Art Grading System) and follows all the LAtte Art courses of the academy.
    He was Italian Coffee Champion 3 times (Cezve/Ibrik) and fourth at the Dubai World Cup.


    The piano, which integrates harmoniously into the all-round formation. She is Francesca, it would be easy to say that she is a daughter of art, but for those who know her she is someone who is building a future with her own determination and professionalism.
    Punctual, careful and meticulous, precise as a Swiss watch and super competent, never out of place.
    She was born in the middle of coffee and made it a passion. In the Academy he follows training on green coffee and sensory analysis. Don't let her angel face fool you, she's irreproachable and decisive. A pleasure to hear her share her passion with others.


    The woodwinds, if only because in her training, Chiara NEVER spares even a single chord . A true force of nature, defined as "The Queen" because she is truly the queen of coffee in Italy (and beyond).

    Chiara has always been Latte Art Champion, second at the Melbourne World Championships in 2015 and has a profound knowledge of this subject, as well as Judge of the World Latte Art Competitions since 2016. She is multifaceted and does a lot of things (and all very well), from a few years in the Academy he alternated in-depth Latte Art courses with Sensory Analysis courses. But remember that she is also a very respectable Roaster!


    Marco is like a violin, perfectly in time, never out of place.

    It is difficult to describe how deep his knowledge of Roasting is, just think that starting to talk about coffee chemistry with him could take days, all of them intense.
    In the academy Marco is Trainer for Roasting courses but, according to need, his skills range from Green Coffee to sensory analysis. Consultant for many Italian and foreign companies, with an almost infinite wealth of knowledge and experience. He is called "the Wise" because he has a metaphor for everything.